Tuesday 4 May 2010


"but from her perspective, what we usually take for granted once again becomes stunningly beautiful"

left without nothing to do, (okay, lying here. i've got some things to do, but too lazy to do it), i've been reading comics online. well to be exact, i've been reading Aria. my first encounter with Aria has almost been a year. i first read it when i was having the most magnificent trip yet, the euro trip with my friend. and without exaggerating, words can't describe that trip. even magnificent doesn't quite cover it. but anyway, a friend left it on her case, and i've got nothing to do at that time, so i grabbed it, read it, and i mocked at it. lol. but long story short, when i read it over and over again, i find it quite interesting, and every chapter it has moral story in it. and from what i've read, the most important message that i've learned in this series is how not to take everything for granted.

i've just realized, how i've been taking so many things for granted. and i'm going to focus my point of story about friends. especially my friends. for 3 years of my high school time, i just assumed that high school would come to an end in about a very long length of time, and so i missed lots of opportunities of spending more time with them. there were even times of when i just wished i could just skipped high school. and now what? my wish now is to pause, and rewind everything again. i've always took my friends and moments i spent with them for granted, like those moments were just there, like it's not that special. and now after i've organized my old photos, i've just come to realized, that 'not special moment', was something that could not be repeated again. and how selfish am i to took it as if it was a moment not special enough to be cherished.

and from now on, i'm trying to make every second counts. and try not to take everything for granted, and thank everyone for everything they have done to me. and thank you friends, for we officially survived high school, together

after a long and tiring photoshoot. another moments to be cherished ;)

oh, and have i told you i'm a softball player now? HA. just kidding. this is just a random shot of someone, and hey, she looks like me, a lott. for a second, i thought "when did i play softball?" . ok, random.

p.s. not going to waste this looong holiday, i'm going swimming with my friend this evening. xxx

p.p.s. not longer than a week, i won't be able to sing i'm 17 going on 18 anymore, for i'll be 18 on 7th!!!!!! ok, nervous. i'm getting old. deep breath. hopefully i'll be wiser, but stay young, on the heart, and on the outside. ;D


  1. hahahhah Aria! Cuman gw doang yg ga baca ya?

  2. haha kayaknya iya deh. kangen misbud bgt ga sihhhhh. jd mengenang kamar kita yang jorok :'D
