Sunday 7 June 2009

You're the Perfect Thing To Say

i'm currently obsessing about the idea of a perfection. i know a certain person who's so beautiful, smart, funny, and when someone sees her, i know they can't stop thinking how perfect she is. and i thought, hey, isn't there supposed to be a saying that says no one's perfect? but i think, she is. and about the title? imagine someone says it to you, you're the perfect thing to say. there is no flaw to talk about when you're described. you're just flawless :)

hey enough about the ramblings, let's move on to funner things shall we :D as i've said before, what ever will be will be, and it just seems crazy to me that i've just making all the rants about how hard i have to study last week, and here i am, now already done with all the tests and actually feel quite happy with the results :) and btw, time flows really fast these days, like it's just blink, and wow, it's over already?!

okok udh tu selse bhs inggrisnya, skrg kembali ke bhs indonesia. hmmm ngomong2 ttg bhs indonesia, ternyata gw ga ada indonesianya samsekk bahahahaha. coba ya, tes bhs ind membuktikan bahwa ternyata gw ga mahir berbahasa indonesia (apa ini dipengaruhi gara2 gw benci gurunya? misteri). dan saking ga mahirnya gw berbahasa ind, akhirnya itu lebih rendah nilainya drpd bhs inggris dan mandarin /swt (wah expression yg sangat sudah lama tdk digunakan lagi)

yeyyyy minggu bersenanggg2.
planning many activities to do with friendssss :D

ah si pompy... kyknya gw ga bakal punya dia sampe gw nikah dan punya rumah sendiri. terkutuk tu yg bilang suami gw bakal alergi bulu!

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