Friday 4 December 2009

But She's Been Gone Since That Summer

ok post sangat singkat dan padat karena mengingat skrg 6.28 AM dan gw belom mandi atau apapun padahal skrg hari jumat, which is harusnya gw sekolahhh tp saya malas setengah mati. deep down gw pengen telat supaya ntar ga ikut jam pelajaran pertama, dan tebak ya jam pelajaran pertama gw apa :p

so, this one pops up from my mind due to my recent discovering of blue's true sex (as in blue's clues). and yes, for those of you who already knew and those of you who haven't known yet, blue's a girl. yes. she's a girl. and maybe some may say, he has a girlfriend! it's magenta! or does that mean magenta's a boy? well the answer is no, they both are girl. and they are girl friends.

but what i really meant to say is, why do we differentiate other's sex by color? why do we always have to determine that boy's blue, and girl's a pink? why do we have to say that pink is so girlie? color is free. it can be used for every single being, without any prejudice statement of what for who. boys have their own rights to be colored pink, and so do girls. it's a free world. as long we don't disturb other people's life, boys can wear pink or purple and girls can wear black every single day.

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