Friday 18 December 2009

And You Make Me Talk

i really have to find a proper place to make some random rants happening in my life lately, butttttt until i find it, let's just do some ranting here!

-mamawwwwwww nana is pure awesomenessss (who the hell uses this word? i did). i'm talking about a manga here. nana the manga. it's been a really long time since last time i'm drooling over guys from animes and mangas (i know. i SUCK. big time). those good old days. those were the times where i actually bought cds of animes where i can actually can download them from free, as if the ones i bought were the originals. but as time went by i downloaded some and yess my ranting of animes and mangas became a lot crazier. and now, i'm reminiscing something i've watched a long long time ago. it's NANA~~~!! i watched the anime first actually, and i thought it's too awesomeee! the story is (quite) unpredictable and it's well written as if the story just flows wonderfully. i've always liked stories that were told in a flash back way. and not to forget to mention the male characters are hottt. now that i'm reading the manga, it's wayy better than the anime, even though it has the exactly same story, but it's way more intense than the anime. and yesss. REN IS HOT. and so does nobu. dasfhadohfiadsofhadflakdf. i'm reading it on one manga and god knows i'll be very mad if nana's project is halted.

-and just fyi, i got accepted! :))))) thanks for all your kind supporttsss. truth to be told, i'm a little bit shock with everyone's reaction. you're all toooo kinddd. and i'm trying my best to fulfill my promises i made, you can see from the last entry. i've cut my hair! it's too short, but oh well.

and i just can't forget your way of congratulating me. it may not be any importance to you, but it made me do this :))))) just thinking about it |)

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