Tuesday, 29 December 2009



jadi2 ceritanya, gw kan lagi gelesotan gt di lantai main laptop, tiba2 oh shit ada tikus lewat melenggak lenggok gt ke arah kamar mandi. shocked, gw teriak manggil bokap, dan beralih pekerjaan lah bokap gw sementara jadi pawang tikus. setelah kasak kusuk sedikit, dengan bantuan tempat sampah, tertangkaplah si tikus. dan ternyataaaa tikusnya lucu. AS IN CUTENESS. waaaa mesti liat:

liat kann kecil2 imut gt~ tdnya udah mau dibuang aja ke luar, tp karena dia begitu kecil, ga tega akhirnya mau dikasih asupan gizi yg baik dan lengkap dulu sebelom dia pergi. alhasil gw kasih keju dan ikan pindang, dan akan gw lepas dia saat pagi. KARENA, di luar terdengar suara kucing garong. IT'S NOT GONNA SURVIVE.

dan btw, gw jadi merasa dia remy dan gw linguini. OHMYGOD. deja vu banget ga sih kyk pas scene yg di deket sungai itu, pas linguini nyekap dia di botol kaca, bedanya sekarang gw pake tempat sampah. I AM LINGUINI IN REAL LIFE. (terbawa imajinasi berlebih)

btw, INI BUKAN KARENA KAMAR GW JOROK. jadi, kamar gw emg kyk ada lubang cahaya yg nyambung ke atap, dan dari lubang itulah dia masuk. alhasil, gw memutuskan untuk tidak tidur di kamar gw malam ini, karena gw takut induk nya nyariin dia. sekian.


tidak sampai 15 menit setelah post ini terbit, tikusnya kabur.

never trust a mouse. ever. ever.....

dan sekarang dia menggentayangi gw somewhere.... over the rainbow

blame the holiday, i've got nothing to do these days. potato couching is never overrated. should've gone somewhere nice with friends, but meh. no complains though. everything is perfectly goood |D

it's going to be my last new year as a student. god bless me. 2010, be nice with everybody, ok?

the thing that i've spent my holiday time with: recipes.
yes i've been cooking~~

1. salmon with hollandaise sauce

2. caramel flan (the dessert i love the most during misbud <33>

3. chicken cordon bleu (except it's not deep fried. healthy.)

next up: cupcakes.

and what i've been watching: skins. nicholas hoult is purrrfect. but i lost the dvd AND i'm halfway the 2nd season. damn.
and what i've been obsessing: heels. fuji instax. year book.


B B But

maybe today will be filled with my last posts in 2009~

welcoming 2010 with anxiety but (surprisingly) great enthusiasm!

so, my new list, in 2010, hopefully i'll....

1. survive high school.
2. leave my second home. a place i've gone nearly all day time to for the last 14 years.
3. and eventually leaving my first home too, because i'm going to leave the city :')
4. watch toy story 3, alice in wonderland, and ALL top notch movies there will be
5. see KOC live performance!!
6. lose weight -__-
7. read good books
8. travel somewhere nice
9. have my fun with friends. any friends.
10. basically, be a better person.

i know i'll see myself in a place where i want to be. sooner. never later.

Friday, 25 December 2009



that's you alright. :|

Friday, 18 December 2009

And You Make Me Talk

i really have to find a proper place to make some random rants happening in my life lately, butttttt until i find it, let's just do some ranting here!

-mamawwwwwww nana is pure awesomenessss (who the hell uses this word? i did). i'm talking about a manga here. nana the manga. it's been a really long time since last time i'm drooling over guys from animes and mangas (i know. i SUCK. big time). those good old days. those were the times where i actually bought cds of animes where i can actually can download them from free, as if the ones i bought were the originals. but as time went by i downloaded some and yess my ranting of animes and mangas became a lot crazier. and now, i'm reminiscing something i've watched a long long time ago. it's NANA~~~!! i watched the anime first actually, and i thought it's too awesomeee! the story is (quite) unpredictable and it's well written as if the story just flows wonderfully. i've always liked stories that were told in a flash back way. and not to forget to mention the male characters are hottt. now that i'm reading the manga, it's wayy better than the anime, even though it has the exactly same story, but it's way more intense than the anime. and yesss. REN IS HOT. and so does nobu. dasfhadohfiadsofhadflakdf. i'm reading it on one manga and god knows i'll be very mad if nana's project is halted.

-and just fyi, i got accepted! :))))) thanks for all your kind supporttsss. truth to be told, i'm a little bit shock with everyone's reaction. you're all toooo kinddd. and i'm trying my best to fulfill my promises i made, you can see from the last entry. i've cut my hair! it's too short, but oh well.

and i just can't forget your way of congratulating me. it may not be any importance to you, but it made me do this :))))) just thinking about it |)


cute boyyyyyyy.

i'm sure you must've seen this

but i adore the beatles moreeeee. D:

Thursday, 17 December 2009

can't waittt
i've got the biggest crush on woody since... i don't even knoww

another can't wait

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

My Heart's Beating Like a Jungle Drum

kalo iya, gw akan

- puasa 5 hari
- sedekah 50k ke kotak yg dibagiin tiap jumat
- sujud syukur (even though i don't know how)
- traktir orang

kalo iya atau ga, gw akan

- potong rambut.

kalo ga, gw akan

- tetap semangat.


i promise i'll be grateful and think positive, whatever the result may be

but i definitely want the positive one

Monday, 14 December 2009

i'm the world's greatest.
lord knows it wouldn't be my first time, but please.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Re Tart

i support the hand washing stuff,

but this is just plain retard lol

awa awa awawa
awa awa awawa

washi washi wa
washi washi wa

kyu~ kyu!
kyu~ kyu!

from now on, let's wash our hands before eating

or else this creature will come to you D:

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

brengsek lo setan

i hope you'll be burned in hell
and rot till you can't even feel yourself anymore

mati lo.

Monday, 7 December 2009


The eyes of darumas are blank when sold. The eyes are means to keep track of goals or big tasks and motivate them to work to the finish. The recipient of the doll fills in one eye upon setting the goal, then the other upon fulfilling it. In this way, every time they see the one-eyed Daruma, they recall the goal. One explanation how this custom started says that in order to motivate Daruma-san to grant your wish, you promise to give him full sight once the goal is accomplished.



Friday, 4 December 2009

But She's Been Gone Since That Summer

ok post sangat singkat dan padat karena mengingat skrg 6.28 AM dan gw belom mandi atau apapun padahal skrg hari jumat, which is harusnya gw sekolahhh tp saya malas setengah mati. deep down gw pengen telat supaya ntar ga ikut jam pelajaran pertama, dan tebak ya jam pelajaran pertama gw apa :p

so, this one pops up from my mind due to my recent discovering of blue's true sex (as in blue's clues). and yes, for those of you who already knew and those of you who haven't known yet, blue's a girl. yes. she's a girl. and maybe some may say, he has a girlfriend! it's magenta! or does that mean magenta's a boy? well the answer is no, they both are girl. and they are girl friends.

but what i really meant to say is, why do we differentiate other's sex by color? why do we always have to determine that boy's blue, and girl's a pink? why do we have to say that pink is so girlie? color is free. it can be used for every single being, without any prejudice statement of what for who. boys have their own rights to be colored pink, and so do girls. it's a free world. as long we don't disturb other people's life, boys can wear pink or purple and girls can wear black every single day.

Sunday, 29 November 2009


You are always cheerful and charming. You never get too serious with people when they're around, but when you are alone, you think carefully about what they have said. That's because you don't want anyone to see you being too somber. Your personality means you have a lot of friends and you are often the center of attention. Many people who fall into this category become artists and movie stars, perhaps fame could be yours in the future as well.

Like a Ride Like a Ride Oh!

a quick update, just to let you know i'm still alive and will not post some pictures with quotes or videos that yeah, maybe quite entertaining, but doesn't really show what am i feeling right now. so here goes, (not that this may entertain you, but meh, why should i care)

1. senior year is here, i'm stepping on it just right now, and yeah, it sucks. not that high school sucks. senior year does. never ending studying and so what if i'm complaining right now, at least i complain AND try my best at the same time. even though at some point i felt very fed up with all these situations and i stopped trying. i don't even care about my grades anymore. grades don't count anymore, since early acceptance form has already been sent (AND GOD KNOWS HOW ANXIOUS I FEEL ABOUT THIS), and yes, SENIOR YEAR GRADES DON'T COUNT. it's like what important is i passed the standard, i don't need stellar report cards anymore. HOORAY!

2. AND WHY THE HELL ARE YOU IGNORING ME??? i mean, i was standing right there, talking with a bunch of YOUR friends, and you just sit there didn't even try to approach us. LIKE WHYYY. you were clearly listening, because you tried to comment some of our talking from FAR, and WHY YOU DIDN'T EVEN ADSF@#@#$FAD. and when everybody is ready to go somewhere, you stayed behind, and decided to go home. @#$DF?!?!

excuse these emo talking, but yeah, tomorrow there's a chem test, and you know the rest.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

So Why Don't We?

Jack Twist
You are too much for me Ennis, you sonofawhoreson bitch!
I wish I knew how to quit you.

Ennis Del Mar
Well, why don't you? Why don't you just let me be? It's because of you Jack, that I'm like this! I'm nothin'... I'm nowhere... Get the fuck off me! I can't stand being like this no more, Jack.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

aduh jadi dokter aja deh lama2, capek :|

Monday, 9 November 2009

Saturday, 31 October 2009

But Your Life is Just a One Big Mess

the bed i'd sleep forever in :)

waaaaa mau banget nyelip di antara merekaaaa.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009


When people laugh and ask me, what do i see in you, i simply tell them,
"Everything you don't"

and that's it.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Action Sampling! (I)

these are some photos from my action sampler.
endjoy. :)

btw busway, gw udh milih gw akan beli fuji instax. SUATU SAAT NANTI, PASTI! :D

Take Me Out, Tonight

to know that you notice what is so wrong to me and you even bother to ask, "what happened?" make me happy.

and even though we end up arguing, it's okay.
after all, you care about me. and that's what really counts. :')

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Long Long Ago

setelah browsing cukup lama dan mendistract gw dari yg seharusnya gw lakukan, akhirnya ada 3 item yg gw temukan.

pertimbangan 1 - polaroid one step close up - Rp 650.000

+ murah
+ merk polaroid asli
+ flash
+ bentuk indah
- film nya entah dapet drmn
- belinya pun entah di mana (haha online sih)
- kalo rusak wasalam deh benerinnya

pertimbangan 2 - diana + instant back - Rp 1.050.000

+ dapet diana nya, dpt instant nya
+ film nya sangat jelas beli di mana
+ kalo rusak ada yg benerin hehe
+ bentuknya indah HAHA
- ga ada flash, beli nambah 750k lagi.
- gw ga yakin hasilnya menyenangkan 100% karena gw ga bs pake diana
- hasil2 foto di internet terlihat indah KARENA ada wawawiwi aksesorisnya

pertimbangan 3 - fuji instax camera - Rp 1.400.000

+ film jelas beli di mana
+ hasil nya juga jelas kyk polaroid biasa
+ bentuknya lucu juga :p
- harga mahal, soalnya kyk diana instant back, tanpa diana -___-
- minus nya hanya 1 sebenarnya

jujur sih lebih ke diana atau fuji, dan bahkan sekarang gw lebih ke yg fuji, gara2 diana ga ber flash. kan ga enak ga bisa di foto2 tempat gelap. tp kan katanya film nya polaroid udh akan diproduksi 2010, jadi... ga tau deh. haha. dan lagi... biar udah ada film blm tentu polaroid masih gampang dicari.

tapi... tapi... hahaha. gmn2?

DAN BTW BANGET YA, berasa udah punya duitnya aja hahahaha :p

Say It!

trik biar bisa nabung:
ada goal barang mahal yang worth it biar kyk ada perasaan sayang duit, mendingan duit nya dipake beli barang itu.

oleh karena itu,

tiba2 pengen polaroid. (haha alasan)

MAKA, apakah beli diana instant back + worth it? atau mending beli polaroid biasa? :|

Who Says I Can Not Go?



"I think I made a mistake turning down Brown."

"No shit."

"I don't know what I'm going to do now. The Tal thing, you and Mom and Caroline were right, I can't do that again. But now I don't know what to do."

"I'll tell you what you can do. Go to Brown next year. Your old man took the card you posted turning down the admissions offer out of our mailbox after you left the house this morning. he replaced it with an acceptance and a deposit check."


Dad chuckles. "Too fucking bad. Don't be home too late." And he hangs up on me.

Maybe my dad is a fuckin' corporate hippie, but I really love that old bastard.

Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist.

Friday, 16 October 2009

Monday, 12 October 2009

Even If I Could Hear It

sekarang mau ada yang bilang, gw pelajar SMA, gw capek sekolah, gw capek belajar terus ga selse2, dan kadang apa yg gw pelajarin sering ga dipake juga ntar (ga kadang juga sih. apa coba guna belajar matriks, selain melatih cara berpikir sm ketelitian? mmm. i wonder), gw cmn bilang, jalanin aja. mau susahnya kyk apa, mau ngeboseninnya kyk apa, mau banyak tugasnya kyk apa.

kyk pas TK, ada aja pasti yang berpikir, gw pengen cepet gede, pengen ngerasain aja gt bisa jalan2 sendiri, keluar rumah gt aja, tapi begitu gede, yang kepikir adalah seneng ya jadi anak TK, ga ada masalah, kerjaannya cuman main, makan, tidur, napas, sama paling masalahnya cuman diomelin nyokap gara2 ga mau minum obat atau dimusuhin temen gara2 ga mau gantian main balok. kyknya pas TK, kepikiran, kapan sih gw gede? cepet aja dong. dan tiba2 skrg udh SMA aja, dan malah diikuti dengan keinginan, balik dong jadi anak TK.

dan ternyata, sama kyk sekarang di mana gw pengen balik lagi ke TK, i'm pretty sure there will be times when I say, "gw kangen masa SMA, masa di mana masalahnya cuman pr numpuk (yang ternyata ga segitunya dibandingin tugas kuliah tampaknya), ulangan besok, presentasi di kelas, sm temen-temen yang lagi ngeselin."

gw cmn mau bilang, jalanin aja deh mau kyk apapun itu juga. mau takut juga ga ada gunanya, pasti bakal kejadian juga, suka ga suka, cepat atau lambat. yang jelas, i'll try to live my life to the fullest, and try to enjoy every second of it.

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Is Against The Odds

Will someone please call a surgeon
Who can crack my ribs
and repair this broken heart
That you're deserting
for better company

i will never forget this :(

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Please Someone Call A Surgeon

not only it's not enough to be accepted. you have to stand out and be the best.
and it's not enough to graduate with good scores. you have to leave impressions.
and it certainly is not enough to survive in work. you have to live in, and make the best out of it.

i don't want to be forgotten.

Saturday, 3 October 2009

One, Two, One Two Three

I don't know, i just don't know.
i want to be, where i want to be
i want to be, who i want to be

is it really what i want?
is it really like what i've imagined?

now i have these feelings of uncertainty
or should i call it doubts. dang i really hate that word.


Tuesday, 29 September 2009

I Don't Even Know

taken from my recent trips to west europe. such an unforgettable experience :')

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Where Have You Been?

i love the feeling that i experience when i'm on the road, seeing the scenery passed me by, as if i've even forgotten my purpose of being there.

sometimes i secretly wish that road would never end and i'm stuck forever in the car, alone with my own thoughts.

but it only happened when i'm being melancholic, which is exactly what i am right now. |)

Buon giorno, Principessa!

You are such a good boy. You sleep now. Dream sweet dreams. Maybe we are both dreaming. Maybe this is all a dream, and in the morning, Mommy will wake us up with milk and cookies. Then, after we eat, I will make love to her two or three times. If I can.

Guido Orifice - Life is Beautiful

such a sweet story but a sad one indeed :(
it's very touching seeing guido tries his best not to frighten his son and illustrates the holocaust as if they're in a game where only the winners get the tank and out from that camp.

i really love guido here. how can you not love him? he's smart, an optimists, he tells jokes, he makes you laugh, he's unpredictable, and above all, he's loving. <3

watch it, and you'll know exactly what i mean. (though i think you must have watched it once. i know i'm late D: )

Friday, 25 September 2009

You Lost Control and You Lost Your Tongue

And then, instead of glaring at each other, the two girls smiled.

It was a strange smile, and neither of them knew what the other meant by it.

Was Blair smiling because she had won the boy in the end and stamped over Serena's party shoes? Because—as usual—she had gotten her way?

Was Serena smiling because she felt uncomfortable and nervous? Or was she smiling because she hadn't stooped to Blair's petty level of spreading nasty rumors and playing with Nate's mind?

Or was it a sad smile because their friendship is over?

Maybe they were smiling because they both knew deep down that no matter what happened next—no matter what boy the fell in our out of love with, or what clothes they wore, or what their SAT scores were, or which college they got into—they both would be all right.

After all, the world they lived in took care of its own.

Monday, 21 September 2009

You Make Me Happy When Skies Are Grey


What do you play?


Friday, 18 September 2009

Even Through The Fire

bahhhh. skrg kerjaan gw main ds sm tidur.
kyknya suatu saat gw akan mati sakit jantung karena tidak pernah bergerak D:

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Sunday, 6 September 2009

What's Not To Love?

and why, from all girls you could find, you actually had to choose her?

This is Andy and Nicole. Andy wants to give her a flower that he found in the playground. But Nicole said, "I don't do wildflower," and walks away.

Friend #1 :
"Why do you love her?"

Andy :
"Well... What's not to love?"

Movies that successfully made me cry :
1. The Notebook
2. I Am SamWarna Teks
3. Kramer vs. Kramer
4. Click
5. Titanic
6. Finding Neverland

sometimes i just love being in the crowd, where i can laugh out loud and shout. but another time, i just hate it, and i need some me time to be alone. i'm weird |D

that's what i felt today, i didn't really feel like talking or do anything.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

But I Don't Know How

here's a little project that i've been doing in my free time. making icons to replace the boring ones, and this THE set. the monster set :) to tell you the truth, i'm actually very happy with the outcome. my personal favorite is
1. the surfing cucumber for safari, which is used for surfing the internet. get the idea?
2. the masked lime for limewire. looks like a robber, because we steal musics through limewire :p
3. the painter for illustrator

the not so interesting part being a senior is i don't really have time to relax anymore. i can't really say i haven't spent some of my time with playing. i mean, come on. right now instead of studying for the upcoming math exam, i'm updating this blog. but the truth is i haven't slept enough these days, and even sundays don't last they way they used to... i really need a long holiday. a really long one.

fasting month is exhausting... it's 5.36 PM now, about 20 minutes to go...

what is so wrong about having an ambition? it's one of so many ways to make you stay focus. what is wrong is being ambitious. because when you're ambitious, you tend to rationalize all things, even they're the wrong ones.

Monday, 24 August 2009

When It's All Over I'll Let You Know

is having fun with my new macbook :)

wish me the best of luck upon everything that's coming
and i'm picturing myself with a twitter account right now.

"i'm want to watch orphan terribly. care to accompany me?"
"you're such an attention whore. find another guy to screw up"
"i'm feeling indifferent about one of my friend, i don't know why"
"i Hate school, with capital H. but i'm still not ready to leave it yet"

hmmmph. interesting. but it doesn't really suit me.

will have a better update soon. just a short post to say i'm not dead yet

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Tonight is Gonna be a Good Night

i've lost the will to write lately. i'm not planning to show any pictures of my trip for the past few weeks. i think many people have seen enough of it, and i have something more important to worry about now.... :(

blame it on the fact that i'm having my period these days and that is exactly why i've been on such a terrible mood swing. one time i could go hyper and laugh while saying stupid things and at one point i felt that i just wanted to be alone and refused to talk. and lately i've been feeling really sleepy. like school's starting last week and since it's the last year in high school we've been working hard learning all these stuffs. pfft.

well i've had my worries about life these days. like is this what i've really wanted to do, is this the right path to choose, what do i really want in life? high school is going to be over soon, and i know in just a blink of an eye it's ending. i know my goal in life is just to be happy, i know that i want to be married to someone i love and have children with him, i want it so much that i've made my children's name from now. i know i want to travel the world with him and i want him to be the first one i see in the morning when i wake up, the one who thinks , "God, she's beautiful" when he sees me eventhough my hair is in disarray and i have pimples on my face.

i've been saying i wanted to go to this university to a certain faculty, but i've got my own doubts. can i really do this? in a psychology test i took a few months ago it said that i have difficulties in the spatial ability. i know women have more difficulties in this field rather than men, but still... i want to majored in architecture. it's what architects do everyday. spatial ability is what architects should have in the first place. and i can't even draw a straight line. like, adfadklfh :x

i just read some threads in a forum, discussing about architect stuffs, which is the path i kind of planning to walk to. and it says many discouraging facts about it, whether it's small things like how you'll need to stock yourself with coffee, and you won't need expensive pillows and beds, because you'll have to stay up really late to work on your assignments... drawing and making miniatures, or really big things like it's hard to find jobs for freshly graduate architects, or how the work of architect in indonesia are not very well respected, and it doesn't have a very good prospect to begin with. there's a phrase i remember so well, "susah masuknya, susah keluarnya, susah kerjanya". yeah well, it hurts.

i began to think about the reasons i choose to majored in architecture.
1. first thing first, i like to draw. i really do. it's not i like to draw houses or bridges or anything 3D, but yes, i still like to draw. and to be an architect, it means i'd be doing something that i like, which is drawing, for money.
2. and second, i thought, architect is an ideal job for me. it makes quite ammount of money (that, i know very well, because a successful architect like a father of my friend's can send his 3 children to a private school that costs a lot of money, and still have a luxurious life. hmm.)
3. and i can do the job everywhere i like, office, home, and that makes me feel free too be home whenever i want to. not that free of course, but you get the point. i don't really feel like working 9 to 5 that strictly. i don't want to be trapped in an office that long every day, every week.
4. being an architect, if there's no order, i still can depend on my husband's income, which makes it real good, seeing i'm the wife, i don't have to be the bread winner in my family household, but still i don't have to depend on my husband for money (a lesson well learnt received from my mom. thanks a lot).
5. and lastly, a rather crucial point for me, being an architect faculty graduate, i don't really have to be an architect. judging from what i've seen, an architect faculty graduate can still own an advertising agency, or write a best selling novel, and that's what make it interesting. it still has many prospects of carreer. and i don't really mind to see myself in creative industry world.

i really belive in this phrase, if there's a will there's a way. recently tried to draw straight line without a ruler, and it's still shaky, but i'm working on it. and about the whole stay-up-late-and-piles-of-assignments things, well... big deal. there will always be compensation for everything. can't take it all without any sacrifices.

well look at me rambling on and on like a certain someone. :p but to be honest, i feel better after i write about all my doubts here. wish me luck people. either unpar or nus (which would be a total bogus dream ;p).

i know i can do it!
it's time to draw one eye of my daruma i think ;)

p.s. a friend just said something really comforting to me, and she really opens my eyes. she makes me see how egoist i was, thinking that it's because he doesn't have any feelings. he has his own reasons apparently, and i should've understood. well either that, or he's real mean.

Friday, 24 July 2009

I Like You Too Much


baru aja menonton harry potter. disappointing. but still entertaining somehow

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

I Know I Was Out of Line

karena kebetulan gw akan berencana untuk menuliskan post ini dengan sangat panjaaang (karena suatu sebab yg akan gw jelaskan di bawah), maka gw memutuskan untuk membaginya per bab sehingga tidak terlalu susah untuk membacanya :)

1. bahan bully anak kecil
yup, ini adalah kenyataan tentang diri gw yg plg menyedihkan. ga tau emang takdir, apa emang karma gw gara2 suka bilang, "sini main sm kakak" ke sembarang orang, tp akhirnya gw sendiri malah jadi bahan bully anak kecil. kasus pertama adalah penganiyayaan gw sm salah satu adek sepupu teman gw, oknum G, yg tadinya gw anggap lucu karena hiperaktif seperti kakak sepupunya. gw baik2in, it turns out dia adalah pure evil. dia tiba2 pas ketemu gw menunjuk ke gw dan bilang, "aku kenal kamu. kamu kan kk yg item!" atau semacamnya dengan nada polos yang bahagia. setelah itu, pas gw ketemu dia di lain kesempatan, pas gw mau keluar dr tempat itu dg stress gara2 ada suatu presentasi penting, dia malah narik2 baju gw sampe lepas dan berkata, "jangan pergi2 dulu!". ckck.

di lain kesempatan, di saat gw pergi ke salah satu apartemen temen gw yg sakit, gw temui dia sudah sehat walafiat bersama teman2 gw yg udh dtg duluan dan adiknya. trus adiknya kan lucu gt, trus main2 sambil bw karton yg masih digulung. trus seperti biasa gw asal aja, "main sm kk yuk!" tp terus dia menjauh. karena udh biasa digituin, yaudah gw cuek aja. alhasil, kira2 15 menit kemudian, gw menyesal ngomong kata2 itu td. dia beneran main sm gw. apa gw yg dimainin ya? pokoknya ceritanya gini. temen gw bilang, "kenalin nama dia kak pampi". trus dia malah memanggil gw, "kak bambi!" trus gw bilang, "jangan panggil aku bambi! nama aku dira!" tp dia malah seneng trus manggil gw berkali2 bambi. trus karton yg dipake itu, malah dipukul2in ke gw, dan akhirnya ngelunjak mukul kepala. aduh untung lo anak kecil. setelah itu, ternyata dia anak yg galak bukan main. ngelebihin kakaknya deh kalo masalah nyolot2an. trus di saat gw dan yg lainnya mau pulang, dia maksa2 gw solat, sampe gw ditarik2, bahkan saat dia masih digendong sm temen gw. bayangin, narik baju gw, hal ini terjadi 2x dengan 2 anak yg berbeda. akhirnya gw ditinggal sm temen2 gw yg turun duluan, (mohon diingat gw ga berani turun sendiri ya, serem sih apartemennya) dan akhirnya gw solat jg. ga menyesal sih, tp dia tiba2 bilang, solat berjamaah yuk! manis. trus alhasil gw jadi imamnya. kafir bgt sih gw kyknya. tp tenang kok, ga sekafir ini aslinya hahaha.

moral : jangan sembarang ngomong main sm kakak, ntar main beneran loh. dan dari dua kasus ini, emang gw bahan bully yg enak ternyata. dari berbagai kalangan.

2. oh no pengeluaran sangat besar
gila ya, kelas 3 makin mahal uang sekolah. trus dengan agak biadab gw malah jalan2 misi budaya ke eropa dengan teman2. memang ini misi budaya, tp agak biadab sih sm keuangan orangtua. apalagi mereka sedang menanggung biaya besar lainnya dengan kk gw yg operasi. berjuanglah mama papa!

dan di balik kebiadaban gw itu, ternyata gw berlaku lebih biadab lagi. bukannya gw menghemat karena jelas2 gw akan belanja byk di sana, gw malah tetap belanja di sini. biadab? memang betul saya anak yg tidak benar. berikut adalah hasil belanja gw yang bikin duit di dompet abis dan atm terkuras hehehehehehe. emg deh punya atm tu merupakan salah satu kesalahan gw. merasa bersalah jg sih tiap ngambil duit. trus udh gitu byk bgt pengeluaran kecil2 tp menjadi bukit dr membeli perlengkapan misbud. udah ah enough talking, ini gambar2nya.

Hardware floral skirt

Zara t shirt with a little alteration :D

Gaudi grey blazer

unbranded green bag <3>
moral : more things to come setelah saya kembali. haha biadab nya gw. bukannya tobat, malah nambah lagi.

3. my babies are dead
setelah balik dari singapur, gw malah udah ga tenang bgt tu hidupnya. membayangkan bsk gw akan pentas terkahir di indonesia untuk pelepasan misbud tanpa latihan, udh cukup bikin gw deg2an (yang ternyata diakhiri dengan ending yg sangat manis. saman gw hancur gara2 gw ganti posisi secara tiba2. udah ah ga mau diomongin bikin depresi), tiba2 pas gw mau ngasih makan ikan di kolam yg kecil, gw liat pemandangan yg bikin gw shock.... ikan mas gw yg kecil2 mati smuaaaaaaa. gila ya? matinya yg mengenaskan gt looooh. kolamnya penuh dengan mayat ikan yg udah ngambang smua, trus habis itu kolamnya berbusa.......... trus ternyata masih bisa diselamatkan dua ekor dari..... 10..... parah bgt gw shock. i treated them like my babies.... tuh kan sekarang gw jd tambah jijik sm ikan. may you rest in peace ikan2ku...

moral : pembantuku... ngasih makan ikan kebanyakan tu bisa bikin mereka mati keracunan.

4. nama anak masa depan
kyknya hal ini emg udah ga asing dilakukan sm smua orang. tentang nama anak di masa dpn. biarin umur gw msh segini, tp menyiapkan nama yg baik itu ada bagusnya hehe. bahkan ada bukti nyata bahwa charlotte, karakter di sex and the city, marah besar sm temennya yang ngerebut nama yang mau dipake untuk calon anaknya sendiri, dan malah dipake buat nama anak temennya. bahkan, nama emma, anak dari rachel dan ross sendiri adalah nama dari nama anak untuk anaknya monica, tp direlain buat mrk. (kalo yg ini kalo ga salah ya haha)

lanjut. akhirnya gw udah memutuskan bbrp nama. ivanka kalo cewek, dan ivan untuk cowok hahaha lucu yaaa. dibilangnya ga kreatif lagi. trus ada sih yg lebih lancang bilang gini, "kok bule bgt sih namanya? lo mesti nikah sm bule dulu biar pas". jahat ih haha. artinya ga dalem, tp harapan gw sm dia besar haha. ivanka diambil dari ivanka trump, dengan harapan dia akan besar jadi anak yang cantik, kaya, pintar, mandiri, punya jiwa entrepreneur, dan lastly, orangtuanya jg kaya dan makmur hahahaha setan. tp gw ga mau suami gw sesedeng donald trump dan pernikahannya gagal. ohya selain itu gw ada nama back up, in case kalo ga disetujui sm suami dan berbagai pihak bersangkutan lainnya, yaitu yurra dan tora! dua2nya buat cowok. hehe. ga ada maksud sih namain itu utk mereka, ga ada makna yg dalam. cetek bgt malah. yurra tu dari pacar salah seorang graphic designer yg saya kagumi (ya betul. cetek sekali bukan?) yg tampaknya sangat bahagia punya pacar dia (yg kenyataan ini hanya gw dpt dr baca blog nya hahahahaha) tp tetep aja gw lsg suka dg nama yurra. lalu tora dari pacar salah satu kakak kelas gw (aduh ketauan ga ya) yg gw jg lsg suka dg nama tora. yg jelas bukan dari tora sudiro! gw suka aja nama2 yg belakangnya ra. hehe. cetek sekali bukan asal muasal nama itu?

smoga (kalo cowo) mrk jd anak yg respect dan sopan sm cewek dan ibunya, pintar dan punya living skills yg bagus, jago main bola dan basket, tp juga bisa musik dan masak. hehehehehehehehe :DDDD

5. raditya dika dan sondre lerche, adiksi saat ini
jujur deh, gw merasa selera humor gw agak rendah karena gw sekarang lagi addicted sm raditya dika. baca blog nya tu freak bgt dan lucu hahaha. apalagi baca tentang kelakuan adek2nya dan alfa. emang sih dia agak lebay kalo nyeritain, tp gw tetep aja suka bgt baca blognya. akhirnya gw sampe bela2in dtg ke pim padahal abis dr citos, utk minjem buku kambing jantan dari salah satu temen gw yg lg wall street di sana (yes byk bgt tmn gw yg wall street, padahal mahal dan menyita waktu. i hate wall street beneran deh, dengan berbagai alasan tentunya) untuk bekal gw di pesawat, berhubung perbekalan gw hanyalah buku dan ipod yg batrenya agak bocor :'( yes gw ga bawa ds karena adaptor (atau apapun lah itu namanya) yg buat memory card ds gw rusak.... sedih bgt deh. intinya, selera humor gw rendah ga sih kalo suka raditya dika? btw gw tau gw ketinggalan jaman bgt, tp pas lg jaman2nya, gw baca salah satu bukunya saat gw les pelajaran, dan itu gw ngakak bgt.

adiksi yg kedua adalah sondre lerche, penyanyi asal norway yg enak aja suara dan lagu2nya. secara tampang kadang hot kadang nyakau. personal favorite adalah hell no, duet dia sm regina spektor, after all dan two way monologue. berikut adalah mukanya

is it just me atau apa dia mirip sm james mc avoy di penelope?

6. the word that everybody seems to hate; packing
haduh cerita ttg ini lagi panjang bgt haha. packing emg bkn yg pekerjaan yg gmpg. apalagi packing buat 3 minggu. maknyos deh lo hahaha. apalagi yg tadinya batas max 20kg, jd hanya boleh 15 kg untuk kepentingan bersama. ok deh fine. pertama kali masuk2in. udh selse, gw timbang, keajaiban. hasilnya 13,6! gokil bgt buat seorang cewek bisa cmn 13kg. ternyata... udah salah teknik nimbang, ternyata toiletries blom masuk. masuk2, punya gw 17an kg. udh kyk hari merdeka aja 17an. ga lucu. ok lanjut. akhirnya dengan berbagai cara, kostum gw taro luar, box make up di keluarin, akhirnya 16,3kg. ckckckk tinggal ngurusin badan dikiiit lg jadi deh tu 15kg. haha 1,3 kg emang ga dikit sih. tp kan kalo disuruh 15kg bandel dikit dg 15,5 jg gpp kan? hehehehe. akhirnya ohmygod. gw keluarin jeans gw 1 biji, langsung turun jadi 15,7 kg. gila ya jeans? trus lalalalala alhasil gw berhasil dengan 15,4kg. eh di sana ditambah ini itu sedikit jadinya 15,6kg. yeah. tp tau ga yg setan apa? nyampe2 pas dikumpulin katanya boleh smp 18kg tahikkkkkk.

7. keberangkatan gw selama 3 minggu
yes, im going to europe for a cultural mission for 3 weeks. doakan ya smuanya lancar. pesawat baik2 aja, ga ada yg aneh2. nari dengan benar tanpa kesalahan yg fatal, kalo bisa ga ada kesalahan hehehe. ga ada yg sakit. gw menikmati waktu gw di sana. gw berhasil foto2 yg bagus di berbagai daerah. shop till i drop di sana. intinya gw dan teman2 menikmati 3 minggu kt di sana. ga sengaja ketemu gaspard ulliel dan johnny depp tiba2. dan berbagai doa lainnya yg terlupakan saat ini, tp pasti aja keinget bahkan setelah post ini ke publish, karena dr td list doa nya tambah terus. amin amin amin amin amin

wish us luck guysss